Breyer Liver Chestnut Pinto Stock Horse Family with Mare, Stallion, and Foal at Lobster Bisque Vintage
Breyer Liver Chestnut Pinto Stock Horse Family with Mare, Stallion, and Foal at Lobster Bisque Vintage
Breyer Liver Chestnut Pinto Stock Horse Family with Mare, Stallion, and Foal at Lobster Bisque Vintage
Breyer Liver Chestnut Pinto Stock Horse Family with Mare, Stallion, and Foal at Lobster Bisque Vintage
Breyer Liver Chestnut Pinto Stock Horse Family with Mare, Stallion, and Foal at Lobster Bisque Vintage

Breyer Liver Chestnut Pinto Stock Horse Family with Mare, Stallion, and Foal

Regular price $50.00 $0.00

Vintage Breyer liver chestnut pinto Stock Horse family, with Stock Horse Stallion, Stock Horse Mare, and Stock Horse Foal. The stallion and foal have pinked noses (the mare has a slight dash of pink but much less).

Model #807 (stallion), #808 (mare), #809 (foal)

Produced: 1989-1990

Size: About 9” tall (stallion).

Scale: Traditional

These Breyers are in good shape, light nose and ear tip rubs, and stallion and foal have 1-2 small rubs on sides of barrel/shoulder. Foal's front leg is bent slightly inward, he stands fine but you could right it with a bit of hot water if so inclined. The mare's back leg has also bent slightly inward.

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